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I see what you did there.

14 Jun

Hello, my name is Sara, and I have a superpower:  I can predict what’s going to happen on TV.

Not really, though.  I don’t have a superpower.  What I do have is a shameful amount of TV-watching history and a tendency to pick up on patterns.  You see, TV more or less ran out of ideas decades ago.  Sure, every once in awhile something new and exciting will come along (although people were guessing that Lost was purgatory from the first episode), but mostly it’s same old, same old.  I have gotten very, very good at figuring out what’s going to happen from the littlest bit of data.  You might say I’m like The Mentalist, but only while watching The Mentalist.

In fact, shows like The Mentalist are where my powers are strongest:  I can usually guess the killer in any given episode within the first five seconds of them appearing on screen.  In this blog, I’ll reveal the tricks of the trade.  Of course, since I’m not going to live-blog everything, there’s nothing stopping me from lying and saying I get the killer right every time.  To keep myself honest, I’ll also be posting my predictions for upcoming storylines and plot twists that will happen in future episodes.

Feel free to play along in the comments–I can’t imagine I’ll always be right, so we can debate the merits of new girl love interest vs. faithful secretary love interest.  Just don’t get mad if I spoil the end of every TV show ever for you.